Atomic Assembler is a casual game about merging atomic elements.

Due to time restrictions some of the more advanced features were not included in the demo, such as molecules.

This demo was made for the PirateSoftware GameJam 15



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This is a tad too much for my artistic brain but I do think it would have helped me a lot in my schooltime to have something like this. Would have helped me actually understand chemistry instead of just memorizing and then forgetting forever.
Great idea. hope you'll work further on this

Very neat and scientific! I would love to see molecules should you continue the game.

Thank you! I plan on continuing the game, but I think molecules will take a while because of the complicated rules that govern how reactions happen. I plan on reaching out to my old high school to see if I could talk with some of the chemistry teachers to learn the more advanced rules. So I can hopefully make the reactions as realistic as possible!

That would be so sick, I've only dreamed about simulation molecule reactions like this before.